
Our First Excursion: March 27, 2006

B: Here's what I remember: we got all dolled up in our wigs and overalls, looking forward to a night of dancing and parties. 1st stop, we attempted to spend time at a local artists' event, but it just wasn't cutting it. Ducked out of there, and walked up Santa Fe looking for action. Unfortunately, the town, she was sleeping. Entered King Soopers grocery on Speer in cold desperation. Purchased candy for pep, danced to their muzac because something needed to be done. Out of there and across Colfax, we trailblazed our fancy selves down 15th, into the depths of downtown, now focused on finding a good hotel bar where we could, well, who knew what would happen? The sparkly new hotel across from the DCPA was not yet open, thus we were relegated to a very downtrodden Holiday Inn. The bar was even more so, and the crowd was a motley crew of middle-agers who all looked like they had narrowly escaped from a cousin's badly performed bachelor/bachelorette party. Still, they visibly leaned away from our corner, where we sat at a low round table, respectively sighing into our cocktails. They were not the adventurous types. I think a woman asked us if we were in some sort of act, and we appreciated that. Mariah got a priceless pic of a woman giving us an "oh lord" look at the bar. When we had enough of that scene, we ventured out to 15th, where we greeted newcomers to our fair city at the bus stop and take random videos of ourselves with Henry, who warmed up to me after a short while. Our bus, of course, never arrived, but J did, and whisked us home.
In short, we resorted to self-entertainment. Dance factor: 0


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