
No Fun, December 2006?

B: We were SO excited to get out on a Wednesday night. The last time we'd been to the Hi-Dive for 80's night it was insane. The dance floor is tiny and was packed, but the kids were dancing, really dancing, and the DJs were decent. But the action doesn't really pick up until after midnight, and most working and family gals such ourselves are nicely tucked into bed at 12am on Wednesday nights. But this Wednesday, we planned ahead, got naps, started the night out right, meeting at the Galleria for some discount beverages. When I got there, M was already drunk, so there was catching up to do. Three martinis later, we hopped a bus downtown for a night of fun. Or so we thought.

New DJs: ok. Debbie Gibson, Paula Abdul: Not ok. A young guy and girl traded off with one sad set after another. Maybe they were just waiting for midnight, when the throngs would pour through the door and the dance music would be released! But no, everyone seemed to have gotten the hint already, and the few who trickled in stuck to the bar. Of course, there were M & B, desperately trying to shake it to El Debarge, along with that one middle-aged guy who frequents the opening hours of dance events, standing in place, slowly waving his arms in new-wave hippy-type gestures. Him and us. We were too drunk to really believe that the fabulous 80's night at the Hi-Dive was such a bomb, but we left there wondering, all right.

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