
We Locate The Loft: June 1, 2007

B: The evening started out with a normal PartyChart occurrence: a club with exterior lights still shining and advertisements still running on the web is closed down. In this case, the lovely Lotus. Or maybe it wasn't lovely. We won't ever know, it seems. The obligatory pictures were taken, and we trudged back to the truck of our comrade in arms, A. She was happy to tote us to our second choice for the evening, The Loft, at 22nd and Stout. Approaching the corner, the club was nowhere to be found. But M & A insisted on looking around some more, and wonder upon wonders, the club existed, and was open for business there at 22nd and Champa. It didn't look like much from the outside, but inside were two large rooms where the importance of the dance floors seemed to be almost equal to the importance of lounging. As for the top floor, that importance was skewed a little more like 70-30 dance floor/lounge, and there probably weren't more than 5 people at any time on the dance floor, if that. The three of us tried to boogie down, but maybe it was the lighting, maybe the DJ, the dance was spotty and difficult. We tried downstairs, where more people seemed to be grooving to the music, which was some kind of industrial/80s flashback/new wave mix that also left a difficult spot for the dancing. This wasn't a club for the serious-minded dance people, but we could still make a go of it. So we did, back and forth: upstairs, downstairs, and we tried. We had it sometimes, and it was better than other places we've been, but I'm not going for either of the DJ's names to find them again. I guess I'd try that Loft again, for the semi-lack of pretention, compared to other places in Denver, but until that point, we'll keep on eliminating the other options and let the DJs skill up. Highlights of my night: A man sandwich between two overzealous bud light-drinking friends, who understood that it was funny, not sexy.  Oh, and A & M allowing me to practice my skills of a teacher as i shouted dance instructions at them in a mock dance club lesson.

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